- Rahul Khandelwal
Is disruption in the current education system the need of the hour?

The world as we see it today is dramatically changing. What might have worked in the past will not necessarily have the same impact today. It’s safe to say that the seismic shifts we are witnessing as a result of technological advances will continue to reshape our world in ways that we could never have imagined. Disruption has become commonplace in the new world and organizations have moved from adaptation to evolution in order to not only survive, but more importantly thrive.
We can learn many lessons from the past about change and disruptive leadership as certain organizations have embraced innovative ideas while changing the way in which they learn. But at the core of organizations are people, and till people don’t learn to thrive in this new VUCA world, neither will the organizations. This makes an important point for preparing our young generation to be ready to take on the challenges of the dynamic world. The field of education is ripe for disruptive change leading to innovative practices that improve learning outcomes for our students.
In 2014, India’s global education ranking slipped to 93. This, together with a series of scams faced by the Indian education sector, calls for an immediate need to bring reforms in our education system. Indian Education System has been synonymous with ‘Examinations’, ‘Board Exams’, ‘Entrance Exams’, ‘Marks’, etc. It has become a rat race with no real focus on what will be good for the child.
Schools play a vital role in shaping a person’s social and professional growth. The conventional schools in India focus on nurturing the children to face the competitive world outside. Examinations and assignments are encouraged by them as tools to assess the capability of the students. Whether a child is knowledgeable or not, depends on the marks he/she scores. Many activists today who oppose the Indian Education system are of the opinion that schools teach the students to learn things by-rote and not to understand things through the application.
A national survey conducted a few years back reveals that more than 80% of the school principals in India blame rote-learning as the reason for the poor standards of learning in students passing out from schools. Of these, nearly 70% of them felt that the curriculum followed in India today did not give sufficient scope for creative thinking.
At NotchUp, we aim to move away from rote learning and help your child develop skills like creative thinking, communication, problem-solving which are extremely critical in today’s world. More so, it will help your child be future-ready.