Web Development
For Ages 10+ Years
Pre-Requisites for the Course : Prior basic knowledge of any computer programming language
Students learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery concepts through projects and create a fabulous site by the end of course

Course Curriculum
Intro to Web Development
Formatting tags and text styling
Form element and attributes
Introduction to CSS
Background and attributes
Animate buttons
JS Objects and Geo location
Media Player
CSS Gradients
HTML tables and CSS
Introduction to JavaScript
If else statements
Arithmetic Strings
Comparison Operators
Working with Loops and Arrays
CSS Animations
Date and Time
Media Queries
Introduction to jQuery
jQuery Effects
jQuery Filtering
jQuery Animations
What will your child create?
Profile page
Wishlist program
Bouncing Ball
Quiz Application
Snake Game
Two-page website
Tic Tac Toe
Responsive website